Monday, May 31, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend 2010

Mother's Day weekend is traditionally spent in Elsinore and this year was no exception. The weather has been crazy this Spring, but it cooperated completely on Saturday so that we could get some riding in and take Grandpa out for Chinese.

We rode up the "wash" to the clay hills. The kids (& Brent) love to ride up there. I rode for a while and then parked to watch everyone racing around. I really enjoy that. It's fun to see how much going to Elsinore and riding the hills around there means to my family and to my grandkids. Means more to me than I can put into words. I love it there, so it touches my heart.
Brent's birthday was Saturday, so we celebrated at the Assisted Living Center with cake and Phase 10. It was a wonderful weekend.

I love my kids so much and want to thank them for the blessing and opportunity it is to be their Mom. They have certainly given my life challenges and rewards. But, also brought me so much comfort and joy. They have taught me that love has no bounds. And it doesn't. I am a VERY lucky mother and now the grandma to some awesome little people. I'll love you forever.

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